Turn Trotting.
Time Tumbling.
Slime Mugging.
Rough Rugging.
It was you. You're a thief. You took the words right out of my mouth.
I'm not sure if i can ever look you in the eye ever again.
Grime Smuggling.
Young Loving.
Sky Watching.
Roll Rumbling.
You weren't like the others, ..they had dignity. You did not.
No one told you it was right.
..Or wrong.
But again, ..
..What do you expect?
Whiteshells [a.k.a. Cameron Whitesell] is an amateur writer/scribbler and musician. Listen to his music here: myspace.com/whiteshells. Oscar Brown is a live musical improviser and recording enthusiast. Listen to HIS music here: myspace.com/oscarbrown. ALSO: whiteshells.podbean.com